BEAVA Inc. warmly welcomes new members to the association. There are four classes of membership - Full Membership, Associate Membership, Auxiliary Membership and Honorary Life Membership. We encourage you to read the details of each below. Please feel free to download and complete the membership form, which is to be submitted to any member of BEAVA Inc. and forwarded to the secretary of the company.
(a) Full Membership: A Full Member of the Company is a real estate agent, valuer or property manager, who is the holder of any license or permit required by legislation as a pre-condition for Full Membership and who
in the case of a real estate agent or property manager
- was admitted to Full Membership prior to March 31, 2006; or
is a permanent resident of Barbados who has attained the age of 18 years and has been practising as a real estate agent for two years or more on a full time basis and has been interviewed by the Committee of Management and accepted as a fit and proper person to be recognized as a Full Member of the company; and is the holder of one of the following educational qualifications:
- the Barbados Community College Real Estate Agent Certificate or
- such other professional qualification as the Committee of Management may approve from time to time.
in the case of a valuer
is a permanent resident of Barbados who has attained the age of 18 years and has been practising as a valuer for two years or more on a full time basis and has been interviewed by the Commitee of Management and accepted as a fit and proper person to be recognized as a Full Member of the Company and is the holder of the Barbados Community College Real Estate Agent Certificate or such other professional qualification as the Committee of Management may approve from time to time; and is the holder of one of the following qualifications:
- RICS within the category of Valuation Surveyor
has been accepted as a Full Member of BEAVA Inc as at June 30, 2006 and has been
- certified by a financial institution that the Full Member has been on its list of valuers for three years preceding June 30, 2006 or
- certified by the company which employs the Full Member that the Full Member has been practising as a valuer for three years preceding June 30, 2006 or
- the Full Member has provided evidence that the Full Member has been practising as a valuer for three years preceding June 30, 2006.
(b) Associate Membership: An Associate Member of the Company is a member who has not yet qualified to be a full member, who is a permanent resident of Barbados who has attained the age of 18 years and is registered under the Professions, Trade and Business Registration Act as a real estate agent and who has been approved by the Committee of Management and who is the holder of the Barbados Community College Real Estate Agent Certificate or such other professional qualification as the Committee of Management may approve from time to time. An Associate Member has no voting rights and may not hold office. Associate Membership ceases after a period of two years. At that time the Associate Member may apply for full membership. If the Member's application for Full Membership is unsuccessful, the Member may reapply for Associate Membership.
(c) Auxiliary Membership: The Committee of Management must be satisfied that the applicant for Auxiliary Membership is a company, institution or organization which is not engaged in real estate either as a dealer or real estate agent, but is engaged in related activities such as the practice of law, accounting, insurance and any other business that the Committee deems appropriate. An Auxiliary Member shall be represented by one of its officers who shall have no voting rights and may not hold office.
(d) Honorary Life Membership: The Committee of Management may elect as an Honorary Life Member any member of the Company who has rendered outstanding service to the real estate business. Such Honorary Member shall have all the rights and privileges of membership except that he/she shall not be required to pay membership dues and shall have no voting rights. Honorary Members may only be persons who are no longer actively engaged in the real estate business.